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/ United Public Domain Gold 2 / United Public Domain Gold 2.iso / utilities / pu013.dms / pu013.adf / not_mine / header_test.S < prev    next >
Text File  |  2000-01-01  |  2KB  |  109 lines

  1. execbase:    equ    4
  2. findresident:    equ    -$60
  3. doio:        equ    -$1c8
  4. location:    equ    $50000
  5. org location
  6. load location
  8. dc.b    "DOS",0
  9. dc.l    $0
  10. dc.l    $370
  11. start:
  12. move.w    #$8100,$dff096
  13. move.l    #location,a2
  14. lea.l    blocklong(pc),a3
  15. move.l    (a3),d1
  16. move.l    #0,a3
  17. move.l    #0,d2
  18. checkloop:
  19. bclr    d2,d1
  20. bne    loadthis
  21. add.l    #$0200,a3
  22. addq.l    #1,d2
  23. tst.l    d1
  24. bne    checkloop
  25. bra    fertig_geladen
  26. loadthis:
  27. move.l    execbase,a6
  28. move.w    #2,28(a1)
  29. move.l    a3,44(a1)
  30. move.l    a2,40(a1)
  31. move.l    #$0200,36(a1)
  32. movem.l    d1-d2/a1-a3,-(a7)
  33. jsr    doio(a6)
  34. movem.l    (a7)+,d1-d2/a1-a3
  35. add.l    #$0200,a3
  36. add.l    #$0200,a2
  37. addq.l    #1,d2
  38. tst.l    d0
  39. beq    checkloop
  40. bra    continue_boot
  41. fertig_geladen:
  42. jsr    begin
  43. continue_boot:
  44. move.l    execbase,a6
  45. lea    dosname(pc),a1
  46. jsr    findresident(a6)
  47. tst.l    d0
  48. beq    boot_failed
  49. move.l    d0,a0
  50. move.l    22(a0),a0
  51. moveq    #0,d0
  52. rts
  53. boot_failed:
  54. moveq    #1,d0
  55. rts
  56. dosname:    dc.b    "dos.library",0
  57. blocklong:    dc.l    $00000001
  58. even
  59. begin:
  60. OpenLib=-408
  61. DisplayAlert=-90
  62. CloseLib=-414
  64. run:    move    #1,d1        ;flash 7 times
  65. delay0:    move    #5,d2
  66. delay1:    move    #40000,d3
  67. delay2:    dbf    d3,delay2
  68.     dbf    d2,delay1
  69.     bchg    #1,$bfe001    ;flash led
  70.     dbf    d1,delay0    ;end of flash
  71. strt:    move.l     4,a6        ;execbase
  72.     lea     intname(pc),a1    ;intuition lib
  73.     move.l    #0,d0        ;version 0
  74.     jsr     Openlib(a6)
  75.     cmp.l    #0,d0        ;intuition.lib on disk?
  76.     bne.s    cont
  77.     rts            ;no so stop
  78. cont:    move.l    d0,a6        ;intuitionbase
  79.     move.l    #0,d0    ;$80000000 for dead_end_alert
  80.     lea    alert_message(pc),a0 ;message in alert
  81.     move.l    #50,d1        ;height in lines
  82.     jsr    DisplayAlert(a6)        
  83.     move.l    a6,a1
  84.     move.l    4,a6        ;execbase
  85.     move.l    #0,d0        ;no errors
  86.     jsr    CloseLib(a6)    ;close library
  87.     move.l    #0,d0        ;no errors
  88.     rts
  89. even
  90. intname:dc.b    'intuition.library',0
  91. alert_message:
  92. even
  93.     dc.w    52        ;x coordinate 
  94.     dc.b    10        ;y coordinate
  95.     dc.b    'Software from ANC. Press left mouse button to '
  96.     dc.b    'continue.',0,1
  97. even
  98.     dc.w    15
  99.     dc.b    20
  100.     dc.b    'For software call: (0)50-778422 '
  101.     dc.b    '(MIKE) or (0)3404-52987 (RON)',0,1
  102.     dc.w    50
  103.     dc.b    40
  104.     dc.b    ':not_mine/BIGBOOT.txt holds instruc'
  105.     dc.b    'tions for BIGBOOT',0,0,0
  106. ********* hier prg einfuegen *********
  107. finis: